Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Some Important Recycling Facts

Saving the environment has become the order of the day. People are getting aware of the rising need to save the surroundings lest there remain none for the future generation. Humanity for its general needs have literally exploited the environment. They have been doing it on regular basis without making amends for the loss they have done to the environment. Deforestation for paper and its products has caused severe problems for the forests. It is one of the major reasons for floods and draughts to occur. Trees bind the earth together and without trees, earth would get loose causing major problems for both surroundings and humanity.

Similar is the case with garbage disposal. A huge amount of disposable items is dumped into landfills and the sea. It is polluting the water tremendously. An array of disposable items dumped into landfills takes hundreds and thousands of years to decompose. This collection of heaps of waste is a serious threat to the environment. However, environment cannot be saved single-handedly. Everyone living on this planet has to make considerable contribution in making the environment clean and clear for the future generation. A few steps take today would ensure safe environment for the children. Working in tandem would ensure great achievements. 

Recycling is the foremost step one should incorporate in their life. People should be encouraged to use recycled products to cover the loss already made to the environment. Following are certain facts about recycling that is imperative for the people to know. This would help them keep their surroundings clean and clear in the best manner possible. Find below some of the facts that makes recycling the need of the hour.

  • A huge amount of disposable nappies is dumped into landfills every year. It takes around five hundred years for disposable nappies to decompose.
  • It takes fifty times more energy to develop a new battery.
  • The amount of food cans, drink cans, jars, bottles, and plastic disposed in a year is filling landfills very quickly than it takes time to decompose. Soon, the world may fall short of landfill areas.
  • Plastic waste takes thousands of years to decompose. 
  • A mere 12 billion cans, a small amount from the total cans thrown every year, is enough to stretch to the moon and back.
  • Every tonne of paper recycled can save approximately seventeen trees.

By making use of recycling products, we save raw materials and the environment at large. This makes recycling and using recycled products imperative for the current times.